Previously, I believed that the parents of 1050811Joan ___ were 2101622Thomas de Dene and 2101623Martha de Shelving. However, researcher Pete Andrews called my attention to 2101622Thomas' inquisitions post mortem, which I had overlooked. 2101622Thomas' two IPM's strongly suggest that he is not 1050811Joan's father (since the IPM explicitly notes 2101622Thomas' daughter Joan as deceased in early childhood, among other incongruences).

Nevertheless, because 1050811Joan certainly seems to be related to 2101622Thomas in some manner, and because my older work could prove useful for future research, I've isolated the profile pages that I'd written for 1050811Joan's formerly proposed ancestors into a separate section of my website, starting from the old version of Joan's page onward.

You can see a list of those ancestors or a family tree of them.
4203245Elizabeth de Gatton
Key Facts
Parents:8406490Hamo de Gatton
Her mother's identity is uncertain.
Born:perhaps in the 1290's
location unknown
Died:sometime before 14 May 1341
location unknown

4203245Elizabeth de Gatton is the daughter of 8406490Hamo de Gatton, as explained below. I'm not sure who her mother was—partly because I'm not sure who 8406490Hamo's wife/wives is/are. 4203245Elizabeth may have been born in the 1290's (since her younger brother Edmund was 6 months old in November 1300).1

Problem: Resolved
Who is 4203245Elizabeth's father?

After 8406490Hamo de Gatton's death, two inquisitions post mortem of his estate in 1300 name his 6 month-old son Edmund as heir. One inquisiton also mentions 8406490Hamo's wife, Margery. Among other properties, the inquisitions discuss a manor at Throwley.1

Sadly, Edmund died in childhood: A court record in 1313 describes him as deceased, and describes his sister 4203245Elizabeth as heir. The record also notes that 4203245Elizabeth was married to 4203244William de Dene.2 The manor at Throwley, which 4203245Elizabeth inherited after Edmund's death, was later mentioned in 4203244William's inquisition post mortem.3

As already noted above, 4203245Elizabeth had married 4203244William de Dene by 1313.2

4203245Elizabeth had died by 21 May 1341; the language and context of the record suggests that her death was probably not recent.3

Sources Cited:

1: Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem [...]: Volume 3, Edward I (London, 1912), pages 506-507

2: Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservatorum Abbreviatio [...] (1811), page 318, left column, penultimate paragraph

3: Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office, Volume VIII, Edward III, Part 1 (London, 1935), page 228