Master Map

Ancestors' individual profiles mention numerous locations (e.g., homes, land/properties, churches, graveyards, battlefields), but this master map combines all of those on one map.

It's easiest to view the map in your browserview the map in your browser.

Alternatively, you can download the map as a KML file to open it with your own mapping/GIS software (e.g., Marble, Magic Earth, Google Earth).

Ancestors' individual profiles mention numerous locations (e.g., homes, land/properties, churches, graveyards, battlefields), but the master map combines all of those on one map.

Unfortunately, you're currently using Internet Explorer, which is not capable of displaying the map.

Please switch to a different browser. Microsoft Edge comes pre-installed with Windows 10, and has been included in all recent Windows Updates, so you probably already have it on your computer. You could also download a browser like Firefox or Brave.

Alternatively, you can download the map as a KML file to open it with your own mapping/GIS software (e.g., Marble, Magic Earth, Google Earth).