Snapshot: | lived in 16-century Kent, England; involved in Wyatt's rebellion |
Parents: | 32836John Fisher 32837Thomazine Bettenham |
Born: | roughly circa 1525 location unknown |
Died: | by 7 September 1590 probably Detling, Kent, England |
Buried: | unknown |
![]() Who are The 1592 and 1619 visitations of Kent, England surveyed several generations of
The 1619 visitation provides this pedigree chart: ![]() Using information from both visitations, I made this simplified chart to show only ![]() Although ![]() The writer of In western Europe in earlier times, it was common to name children in honor of their grandparents. Typically, a couple would name their firstborn son in honor of the father's father, and their second son in honor of the mother's father. Likewise, the eldest daughter would have the same name as the mother's mother, and so on. You can find this naming pattern in various western Europe countries, although it was more popular (and thus more strictly adhered to) in some places than others. With this naming pattern in mind, let's now consider four Fisher children who were baptized in Detling in the late 1550's to early 1560's: ![]()
These four children certainly seem to be the children of Although P. W. Hasler's The History of Parliament describes a record from 1548: "Henry [Fisher], his uncle John[,] and 'cousin' Alexander Fisher were three of those empowered in 1548 to sell the church ornaments belonging to the fraternity of Corpus Christi in Maidstone, and to use the proceeds to set up a free grammar school." This "Henry Fisher" along with "his uncle John" and "'cousin' Alexander" are all included in the 1619 visitation.
![]() This record provides additional support to prove the accuracy of Around Michaelmas Henry VIII 33 (i.e., around 29 September 1541), 32836John Fisher and his wife 32837Thomazine sold several lands (98 acres in total) to This record directly connects 32836John, 32837Thomazine, and |
In 1548,
In 1553,
The abovementioned baptism records suggest that
On 1 October 1590 his wife 16419Katherine was described as a widow.
1: Robert Cooke, "The Visitations of Kent Taken in the Years 1574 and 1592, Part 2," The Publications of the Harleian Society, Volume 75 (London, 1924), page 98.
2: Robert Hovenden, ed., "The Visitation of Kent: Taken in the Years 1619-1621," The Publications of the Harleian Society, Volume 42 (London, 1898), page 159.
3: Kent History and Library Centre archive reference P117/1/A/1 (composite register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the parish of St. Martin, Detling for the years 1558-1705), on an unnumbered page labeled "Sepulti ano dom 1589" and roughly ⅔ of the way through the book, an entry for Anna Fisher, who was buried on 7 September 1590. FindMyPast, <>, accessed 15 February 2022. FindMyPast restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.
4: Kent History and Library Centre archive reference P117/1/A/1 (composite register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the parish of St. Martin, Detling for the years 1558-1705), on an unnumbered page near the beginning of the book (and the first page of actual baptism records), entries for the baptisms of Elizabeth (20 March Elizabeth 1), Thomazine (20 December Elizabeth 4), and Katherine (22 February Elizabeth 5) Fisher. FindMyPast, <> accessed 14 February 2022. FindMyPast restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.
5: ibid., the second page of actual baptism records, entry for John Fisher, who was baptized 16 March Elizabeth 6. FindMyPast, <>, accessed 15 February 2022. FindMyPast restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.
6: P. W. Hasler, ed., The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1558-1603 (H.M. Stationery Office, 1981), profile for Henry Fisher of Maidstone, later of Boxley, Kent. I used an online version of the biography.
7: UK National Archives record CP 25/2/22/140/33HENVIIIMICH/25 (Records of the Court of Common Pleas and other courts / Feet of Fines Files, Henry VIII - Victoria / Feet of fines for 33 Henry VIII Mich). I have not seen the original record, but instead used abstract #1831 from this index. The abstract reads, "Jn Fysher, gent & wife Thomasine to Alex Fysher, gent. 80a land, 12a mead & 6a wood in Frittenden & Biddenden. £60."
8: Kent History and Library Centre archive reference CCA-DCb/PRC/32/3/361 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Probate Court Records / Consistory Court Registers of Wills / Registers of Wills, 1484-1493), the will of William Betynham of Cranbroke, dated 13 January Henry VII 8. FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188834, images 395 and 396 of 410). FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 395, 396.
9: UK National Archives record CP 25/1/117A/352, number 527. I obtained an image of this record from: Anglo-American Legal Tradition, O'Quinn Law Library, University of Houston; <>, accessed 4 March 2022. As you can see, the original record is in Latin, so this abstract is helpful and comes from: Some Notes on Medieval English Genealogy, <>, accessed 4 March 2022.
10: Frank Streatfeild, An Account of the Grammar School in the King's Town and Parish of Maidstone in Kent (Cowley St. John Press, Oxford, 1915), pages 9-11.
11: J. M. Russell, The History of Maidstone (W. S. Vivish, Maidstone, 1881), page 66.
12: UK National Archives record DCb/PRC/31/17 M/1 (Diocese of Canterbury / Consistory Court, Original Wills / Will of John Maplisden of Maidstone, dated 30[?] May 1575 and proved 8 July 1575). FamilySearch, <> et seq., accessed 11 July 2021. FamilySearch restricts access to the relevant images, so see these copies: images 68, 69, and 70 of 104. This abstract of the will may be helpful.
13: Kent History and Library Centre archive reference P117/1/A/1 (composite register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the parish of St. Martin, Detling for the years 1558-1705), on an unnumbered page labeled "Sepulti ano dom 1589" and roughly ⅔ of the way through the book, an entry for Alexander Fisher, who was buried on 7 September 1590. FindMyPast, <>, accessed 15 February 2022. FindMyPast restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.
14: UK National Archives record PROB 11/77/53 (Prerogative Court of Canterbury / Wills and Letters of Administration / Will Registers / Sainberbe Quire 2 / Will of George Maplisden, Alderman of Rochester, Kent). This is George Maplisden's will. I purchased an image of the will from the UK National Archives' website on 27 November 2011; you can download a copy. The will is abstracted in: Henry F. Waters, Genealogical Gleanings in England, Volume II (New-England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1901), pages 1291-1292.