8209Thomazine Fisher
Key Facts
Snapshot:lived in 16th- and early 17th-century England
Parents:16418Alexander Fisher
16419Katherine Maplesden
Baptized:20 December 1561
Detling, Kent, England
Last known record:10 August 1625
Ashford, Kent, England
Buried:One may guess that she's buried near her husband in the churchyard of St. Mary the Virgin church, Ashford, Kent, England.

Some of the research presented here is based on: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), pages 38-40 (“K1127 JOHNA EPES [1550-1627]”). Also, special thanks to researcher Jared Nathan for calling my attention to 8209Thomazine's baptism record.

8209Thomazine Fisher was baptized on 20 December Elizabeth 4 (i.e., 1561) in Detling, Kent, England.1 Her parents are 16418Alexander Fisher2 and (as explained below) 16419Katherine Maplesden.

8209Thomazine's baptism record. Full page.1

"tomazine fysher daughter of allexander fysher"
This excerpt from 8209Thomazine's marriage record proves who her father was. Full page.2

Problem: Resolved
Who was 8209Thomazine's mother?

"George Maplisden one of the alderman of the Citty of Rochester in the county of Kent" wrote his will on 1 October 32 Elizabeth (1590). An excerpt from the first page of his will is copied below.3

George's will names many heirs, including "my sister [16419]Katherine Fisher of Detling within the saide county of Kent, widowe" and "[8209]Thomazine Eppes her daughter." Later portions of the will mention "my cousin [8208]John Eppes of Detling" as an overseer and witness; this mention of 8208John helps to confirm 8209Thomazine's identity.3 (At the time the word "cousin" was a more general term used to describe various relatives, a sort of "catch-all." Its use does not necessarily mean the two people in question share a common grandparent.)

"my sister Katherine Fisher of Detling within the saide county of Kent, widowe"

"Thomas Eppes her daughter"

"my cousin John Eppes of Detling"

In other words, using George's will we can conclude that (1) 8209Thomazine's mother was named 16419Katherine; (2) 16419Katherine's married name was Fisher; and (3) 16419Katherine's maiden name was Maplesden.

8209Thomazine married 8208John Epes on 15 June 1579 in Detling, Kent, England. For more information about their marriage, etc., see his profile since that information won't be repeated here.

When her uncle George Maplisden wrote his will 1 October 1590, he left 8209Thomazine "one piece[?] of golde of thirty shillings." 3

8209Thomazine was alive when her husband wrote his will on 10 August 1625,4 but I have no information about her after that date.

Sources Cited:

1: Kent History and Library Centre archive reference P117/1/A/1 (composite register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the parish of St. Martin, Detling for the years 1558-1705), on an unnumbered page near the beginning of the book (and the first page of actual baptism records), an entry for Thomazine Fisher, who was baptized 20 December Elizabeth 4. FindMyPast, <https://search.findmypast.com/record?id=GBPRS%2FKENT%2FP117_1_A_1%2F4> accessed 14 February 2022. FindMyPast restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.

2: UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/BT1/74/7 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Bishop's Transcripts of Parish Registers). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 1736692 item 3, "Bishop's Transcripts for Debtling, 1571-1904," images 412 and 413 of 1203). FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 412, 413. The marriage record itself is on image 413, but the year is shown on image 412. This is 8208John Epes' and 8209Thomazine Fisher's marriage record.

3: UK National Archives record PROB 11/77/53 (Prerogative Court of Canterbury / Wills and Letters of Administration / Will Registers / Sainberbe Quire 2 / Will of George Maplisden, Alderman of Rochester, Kent). This is George Maplisden's will. I purchased an image of the will from the UK National Archives' website on 27 November 2011; you can download a copy. The will is abstracted in: Henry F. Waters, Genealogical Gleanings in England, Volume II (New-England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1901), pages 1291-1292.

4: UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/17/67/340 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Archdeacon's Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch, <https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-23164-16385-79?cc=1949814&wc=M68K-R68:250713701,250719201,251325001>, accessed 25 August 2014. This is 8208John Epes' will. The will is summarized in: Frank Wyatt Tyler, The Tyler Collection (The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, Canterbury, Kent, England), wills index, Elles-Verrier notebook, abstract of will CCA-DCb/PRC/17/67/340; Ancestry.com (“Kent, England, Tyler Index to Wills, 1460-1882,” Elles-Verrier notebook, image 56 of 94), accessed 26 November 2013.