65673Elizabeth Friar
Key Facts
Snapshot:lived in late 15th- and early 16th-century Kent, England
Parents:131346John Friar
131347Alice ___
Died:between 10 May and 7 November 1526
presumably Maidstone, Kent, England
Buried:St. Faith church, Maidstone, Kent, England
The church building no longer exists. Another church of the same name now exists at roughly the same location, at coordinates N51.27656 E0.5210.

Note: I'd like to extend special thanks to researcher Jared Nathan for sharing his work pertaining to 65673Elizabeth Friar.

65673Elizabeth Friar's parents are 131346John Friar and 131347Alice ___, as proven by her husband's will.1 65673Elizabeth's own will also mentions her father.2

"Elizabeth my wyff doughter and heyre of John Frere and Alice his wyff." Full page.1

"my father[']s John Freer[']s [...]" Full page.2

65673Elizabeth's will also proves that she married 65672William Fisher.2 Considered together, their wills suggest that 65673Elizabeth had no other husband.

65673Elizabeth's will is transcribed line-by-line below, or see the register copy.1 Important phrases are highlighted yellow. In particular, notice that she mentions a cousin named Thomas Friar; his identity is unknown to me but could be helpful for future research.

Image 1:

In the name of god amen The xth day of May In the yere of our
Lord god a Thousande fyve hundred twenty and six And in the yere of the Reigne of King Henry
the eight the xviijth I Elizabeth Fissher of Maidstone in the Countie of Kent widowe being in good
and hole mynde and p[er]fite remembraunce thanked be god ordeyn and make this my present testame[n]t
and last will in maner and fo[ur]me folowing First I bequeth my soule to almighty god and to our
lady saint Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn And my body to be buried in the Churche
of saint Feith next to my husbond
and my body to be chested Item I bequeth to the high awter in
the p[ar]ishe Churche of Alhalowen in Maidstone for my tithes necligently forgotten iijs iiijd It[e]m
to the rep[ar]acions of the same Church vjs viijd Item I bequeth to the rep[ar]acion of the Churche of
saint Feith xxs / Item I bequeth to the light of our lady w[i]t[h]in the same Church to be made owt of
newe wax vjs viijd Item I bequethe at my burying to prestes and Clerkes and to po[or] people iijli vjs viijd

Image 2:

Item I bequeth at my monethes day in like maner Item I bequethe to an honest prest to singe at saint faith
by the space of oon hole yere and he to have for his salary vijli to pray for my soule my husbondes soule my
fathers soule and my mothers soule and all [Christ]en soules Item I bequethe to an obite to be saide at saint Feithes
by the space of x yeres every yere xiijs iiijd Item I bequeth to Thomas Woodyer my serv[a]nt a fetherbedde two
blankettes ij paire of shetes a Coverlet w[i]t[h] a bolster Item I bequeth to Richard Magnesden my s[er]v[a]nt v quarters
of whete and v quarters of barley Item I bequeth to John Fissher thelder all the hanginges in the hall with
all thapparell to the same hall belonging Item I bequeth to the same John Fissher thelder a fetherbedde
two blankettes my best Coverlett a bolster ij pillowes with all the hanginges in the same Chamber belonging
Item I bequethe to the same John my ij great flatt peces of silver a salte of silver w[i]t[h] a Cover parcell gilte
Item I bequethe to the same John vj sponys of silver of the best sorte and iij spones of the smalist sorte
and my gretist maser Item I bequeth to Robert Fissher my Nutt w[i]t[h] a Cover garnysshed w[i]t[h] silver and gilt
two silver spones of the best sorte and my litill maser w[i]t[h] a Rose in the same / Item I bequeth to Will[ia]m
Fissher my standing Cupp of silver w[i]t[h] a Cover two silver sponys of the best sorte a litill maser harnysed
w[i]t[h] silver and p[ar]cell gilt Item I bequethe to John Fissher the yonger a salt of silver w[i]t[h]out a Cover a maser
next the best two sponys of silver of the best sorte a paire of beades of exilliard gauded w[i]t[h] silver and gilt
a paire of bedes of Corall gaudid w[i]t[h] silver whiche sumtyme was my brothers mothers All the residue
of my good my dettes and bequestes content and paid I clerely geve to John Fissher thelder Robert Fissher
Will[ia]m Fissher and John Fissher the yonger my sonnes
indifferently to be delivered whom the said
John Fissher thelder and Robert Fissher I make and ordeyn myn executours And Will[ia]m Fissher and
John Fissher the yonger my overseers of this my present testament and last will to be perfitely
p[er]fourmed This bering witnesse Richard Frenche and s[i]r Thomas Soule prest at the College or Church
of Maideston my goostly father and other moo
[Margin: The last will of the same Elizabeth].
This is the last will of me the said Elizabeth Fissher widowe made the xth day of May
In the yere and Reign of King Henry the viijth abovewritten First I will that John Fissher my eldest
shalhave all suche landes and tenementes whiche late were my fathers John Freers and also
all suche landes and tenementes which were Thomas Groves and a pece of lande called ?Bochers
and Slyes w[i]t[h] a barne to the same with thappurten[a]nces lying and being in the p[ar]ishes of Maidston
and Dytton. To have and to holde the said londes and tenementes w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nces to the said John
Fissher and to his heires of his body lawfully begotten yelding therof yerely to his brother Robert Fisher
and to his assignes xxvjs viijd at the festes of Ester and saint Mighell tharchaungell yerely to be paide
according to my husbondes will. And if it happen the said Rent of xxvjs viijd to be behinde in parte or in
all at the said festes unpaide then it shalbe lefull to the said Robert Fissher or his assignes in the said landes
and tenementes to entre and distreyn and the distresse so taken to lede away bere away or dryve away
and them to witholde unto the tyme that the same Rent or any parte therof so being behinde to the said
Robert or his certeyn attorney be fully paide and satisfied And it it happen the said John Fissher dye w[i]t[h]out
heires of his body laufully begotten Then the said londes and tenementes to the same John before lymyted
shall Remayne to the said Robert Fissher / To have to the same Robert and to his heires of his body laufully
begotten. And if it happen the same Robert to dye w[i]t[h]out heires of his body laufully begotten then the
same londes and tenementes to Remayn to Will[ia]m Fissher my thirde sonne and to his heires of his body
laufully begotten And if it happen the same Will[ia]m Fissher my thirde sonne to dye w[i]t[h]out heires of his body
laufully begotten / then the same londes and ten[emen]tes shall remayn to John Fissher my fourth sonne and
to the heires of his body laufully begotten Also I will that after my decesse that Robert Fissher my
secunde sonne shalhave a mesuage ageinst my house which sumtyme was John Welles and a gardyn
to the same belonging w[i]t[h] a hogstye in the same and a Mesuage lying in the strete called Wyke strete
whiche sumtyme oon Christmas dwelled in nowe called the Berehouse with two gardyns lying to
the same w[i]t[h] thapp[ur]ten[a]nce and a pece of londe called Fletchers crofte and a barne called Fletchers barne
w[i]th thappurten[a]nces as apperith by a dede made to the same Robert and Mawde his wife and all other
thinges in the same dede and all other landes and tenementes in Aylisforde To have to the same Rob[er]t
Fissher and to his heires of his body laufully begotten And it if happen the same Robert to dye
w[i]t[h]out heires of his body laufully begotten Then the same mesuage pece of lande and gardyns to
Remayn to the said John Fissher myn elder sonne and to the heires of his body laufully begotten and
so forth the remayndenor therof for lack of Issue from sonne to sonne oon after another and to their
heires of their bodies laufully begotten in maner and fourme as it is lymyted of the other londes
aforsaid to the said John Fissher thelder according to my husbandes will And also I will that after
my decesse the said William Fissher my thirde sonne shalhave my mesuage at Berte… … all the
londes longing to the same and also all those landes pastures and woodes called Bert… whiche
were Nortons whiche my husbonde lately purchased of Julian Norton and Margaret hir daughter
And also a pece of londe called litill Ventalles whiche my husbonde lately purchased of the heires of
Thomas Awoode w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nce / to have to the said Will[ia]m Fissher and to the heires of his body
laufully begotten And for defaute of Issue of the said Will[ia]m Fissher com[m]yng the same mesuage londes
and woodes w[i]t[h] thapp[ur]ten[a]nces to Remayn to John Fissher thelder and to the heires of his body laufully
begotten and so forth the Remayno[ur] therof for lack of yssue from sonne to sonne oon after another and
to the heires of their bodies laufully begotten in maner and fourme as it is lymyted of the other londes
abovesaid to the said John Fissher thelder / And also after my decesse I will that the said John Fisher
my fourth sonne shalhave my manor of Horspull
w[i]t[h] the londes and Rentes longing to the same in Detling
w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nces and also my mesuage w[i]t[h] all the landes longing to the same whiche sumtyme was
Richard Dores w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nce And also all suche londes which were Merywethers lying in the

Image 3:

parishe of Boxley And also all my londes and tenementes lying at Coptre in the p[ar]ishes of Boxley
and Alyngton whiche sumtyme were Smartmans Asshebeys Warrelles and Bukmers w[i]t[h] thapp[ur]ten[a]nce
To have to him and to his heires of his body laufully begotten And for lack of such Issues the Remaynor
therof to his brethern and to the heires of their bodies laufully begotten in maner and fourme above
said oon after another as it is rehersed in the taile of the said John Fissher thelder according to my
husbondes wille And also I will that after my decesse my sonne William Fissher shalhave a mesuage
with a gardyn in Wyke strete and two peces of londe with thappurten[a]nce wherof oon is called Carters
crofte conteynyng by estymacion oon acre and a half And the other is called saint Mary Crofte cont[aining]
by estymacion v acres of lande w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nce whiche I lately purchased of my Cosyn Thomas
doughter as by a dede therof more playnly doth appere To have to him and to his heires forev[er]
Also I will that that after my decesse the said William shalhave my mesuage in the high strete where
nowe Richard Humfrey dwellith in sumtyme oon Rapkyns to him and to his heires forever / Also
I will that after my decesse John Fissher the yonger Immediatly after my decesse shalhave a tenement
in Wykestrete which sumtyme was Gullys with a gardyn and a barne belonging to the same with
thappurten[a]nce to him and to his heires forever / Also I will that the same John Fissher shalhave a
Tenement in Wykestrete aforsaid whiche sumtyme was Farh[a]ms with a gardyn belonging to the same
w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nce to him and to his heires forever as in a dede therof more playnly doth appere of the
said houses w[i]t[h] theappurten[a]nces Also I will that Robert Fissher shalhave two houses in Wykestrete next
unto the house sumtyme was Newelles to him and to his heires forever Also I will that Thomas
Woodyer my s[er]v[a]unt shalhave an house in Tylers Lane sumtyme Thomas Standerd dwelled in for all
terme of his lyfe keping sufficient rep[ar]acions And after his decesse to remayn to John Fissher thelder
to him and to his heires of his body laufully begotten And for lack of suche Issue the Remayno[ur] therof
according to my husbondes will

The above written will of the deceased was proved before the aforesaid commissaries in the cathedral church of St Paul, London, on the 7th day of the month of November in the year of the lord 1526 by the oath of the executor, named in this will, in the person of Anthony Hussey, his proctor in this matter, and it was approved and registered. And there was committed the administration by authority of the aforesaid Roman fathers of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased to the aforesaid executors in the person of the said proctor, sworn on the holy gospels in due form of law to administer well and faithfully and to exhibit a full and faithful inventory on the second day after the feast of St Andrew the apostle next to come, and also to render a plain and true account.

Like her husband, 65673Elizabeth requested to be buried inside St. Faith the Virgin church in Maidstone, which unfortunately was demolished in 1858. You can read a little more about the church's history here.3 Another church has been erected nearby at N51.27656 E0.5210; that church has a website.

Sources Cited:

1: UK National Archives record PROB 11/18/319 (Prerogative Court of Canterbury / Wills and Letters of Administration / Will Registers / Holder / Will of William Fyssher or Fisher, Gentleman of Maidstone, Kent). UK National Archives, accessed 20 February 2022. You can see a copy of the document here.

2: UK National Archives record PROB 11/22/223 (Prerogative Court of Canterbury / Wills and Letters of Administration / Will Registers / Porche / Will of Elizabeth Fissher or Fisher, Widow of Maidstone, Kent). UK National Archives, accessed 24 February 2022. You can see a copy of the document here.

3: J. M. Russell, The History of Maidstone (W. S. Vivish, Maidstone, 1881), pages 141-142.