5124Damian Schellig
Key Facts
Snapshot:lived in what's now Switzerland
Born:roughly circa the 1630's
location unknown
Last known record:1682
Langmoos near Berneck, Vogtei Rheintal, Old Swiss Confederacy

Censuses show 5124Damian Schellig, his (presumed) wife Catharina Manshuberin, and seven young people (presumably all their children; including 2562Hans) in 1671 and 1682 in Langmoos, a small neighborhood about two kilometers northeast of the center of Berneck, Vogtei Rheintal, Old Swiss Confederacy. Since these two censuses were religious censuses (specifically, focused on catechesis), we can infer that 5124Damian and his family were members of the Evangelish-Reformierte Kirche in Berneck. For more information on this church, see the description in 640Hans Ulrich Geiger's profile. For Langmoos, see the description in 1281Cathrina's profile.

Since 5124Damian had seven children in 1671,1 we can surmise that he was born roughly circa the 1630's, although I know nothing else of his early life.*

1671: 5124Damian's household in Langmoos near Berneck, Vogtei Rheintal, Old Swiss Confederacy. Full page.1

1682: 5124Damian's household still in Langmoos. Full page.2

The two censuses shown above are the only records I've found pertaining to 5124Damian.†



I found no Schellig households in Berneck-area censuses for 1643 (I only searched Haslach and Langmoos.) or 1646 (Haslach, Langmoos, and Hardt). I also searched Berneck's Evangelical Reformed parish register for births between 1620 and 1642, but I didn't find an entry for 5124Damian.

I didn't find 5124Damian or Catharina in the Langmoos subsections of the 16523 or 16944 censuses.

Sources Cited:

1: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche, Synode Zürich. Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse entries for the year 1671, section for Berneck, subsection for Langmoos, page 822, entry #113 for Damian Schelling's household. FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 1185155, image 808 of 824). FamilySearch restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.

2: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche, Synode Zürich. Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse entries for the year 1682, section for Berneck, subsection for Langmoos, page 340, entry #154 for Damion Schellig's household. FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 1185166, image 230 of 690). FamilySearch restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.

3: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche, Synode Zürich. Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse entries for the year 1652, section for Berneck, subsection for Langmoos, page 1301. FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 1185150, image 1016 of 1052). FamilySearch restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.

4: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche, Synode Zürich. Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse entries for the year 1694, section for Berneck, subsection for Langmos, page 718, entry for Hans Schellig and Verona Kallenburgerin. FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 1185156, image 376 of 739). FamilySearch restricts access to this image, so see a copy here.