640Hans Ulrich Geiger
Key Facts
Snapshot:born in what's now Switzerland
immigrated to South Carolina in late 1737/8
owned a slave
Parents:1280Abraham Geiger
1280Cathrina Schellig
Born:14 May 1729
probably in or near Hardt, Vogtei Rheintal, Old Swiss Confederacy
Died:12 June 1777
probably Effingham County, Georgia

640Hans Ulrich Geiger's birth and death dates—14 May 1729 and 12 June 1777—are recorded in the Bible of his (alleged) grandson Felix Geiger, Jr.1

An entry pertaining to 640Ulrich in a family Bible.1

He was baptized into the Swiss Reformed Church on 28 June 1730. The entry for his baptism in the parish register of the Evangelish-Reformierte Kirche in Berneck, Switzerland describes him as being from "Hard." (presumably an abbreviation for Hardt, a small community/neighborhood about 1.9 km northeast of the main area of Berneck) and also names his parents: 1280Abraham Gÿger and 1281Cathrina Schellig.2

1730: 640Ulrich's baptism record. Full page.2

Below is a panorama of modern Hardt.

At that time, Berneck's Reformed congregation shared a church building with the local Catholic congregation, i.e. what is now Berneck's Catholic church. A photo of the church building is below.3 The modern Catholic congregation has a website at <kath-berneck.ch>, and the Reformed at <refbah.ch>.

640Ulrich presumably left Berneck with his father in late 1737 to immigrate to South Carolina. See his father's profile to learn more about the immigration journey since that information won't be repeated here.

In Georgia

640Ulrich probably stayed in South Carolina for many years. On 1 July 1766, though, Georgia's colonial government in Savannah heard a petition from "Ulric Keger" for 300 acres of land in Georgia's St. Philip's Parish:

“Read a Petition of Ulric Keger setting forth that he was at present an Inhabitant of South Carolina but purposed immediately to remove into this Province with his Family being a Wife four Children and one Negro in order to settle and cultivate Land Therefore praying for three hundreds Acres of Land in St Philip's Parish bound North East by great Ogechee River and South East by Land of Frederic Resta which said Tract was in July 1765 ordered and laid out for Matthew Tettler but his Majesty's Grant had not been taken out for the same—” 4

The petition indicates that the land was previously set aside for Matthew Tettler, but apparently Mr. Tettler didn't complete the requirements necessary to take ownership of the land. Therefore, the minutes for the council held on 2 June 1767 show that the governor had approved Ulrick Kegar's petition.5 Not surprisingly, Mr. Tettler became upset about the loss, and he soon petitioned for a nearby 300 acres. His petition was read before the council a few months later on 6 October 1767, and it mentions 640Ulrich simply as “one Keeger.”

"Read a petition of Matthew Tettler setting forth that he had had Three hundred Acres of Land ordered him upon great Ogechee which had since been run out by one Keeger Therefore praying for in Lieu thereof Three hundred Acres on the Side Ogechee where the same might be found vacant—" 6

Unfortunately for Mr. Tettler, his petition was postponed.6

Subsequently, 640Ulrich was mentioned twice among the records of the Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ebenezer in what is now Effingham County, Georgia. Notice that the first record—that of the baptism of his daughter Rachel—mentions that his wife's name is Apollonia, but nothing else is known about her.

Rachel, daughter of Ulrich Geiger and his wife Apollonia, was born beyond the Hogeechy River in the month of February, 1769, and baptized on June 13th. Sponsors were Frederick Rester and his wife Margaret.7

Cornelius, son of ___ Geiger in Ogeechee and his wife, was born Feb. 1, 1774, and baptized July 18, 1774. Sponsors were Mr. Rister and his wife.8

As noted above, a family Bible proves that 640Ulrich died on 12 June 1777,1 but two later deeds provide more details about his children and property.9 From these deeds, we can conclude:

The “legal Heirs of Ulrich Kegar (or Geiger)” are Felix Geiger, Abraham Geiger, Mary Hoofman, Cornelius Geiger, and “their brother [...] John Geiger.”
Abraham Geiger had a wife named Mercy.
Cornelius Geiger had a wife named Rebecca.
Felix Geiger had a wife named Mary.
The deeds pertain to the same 300 acres that 640Ulrich was granted on 2 June 1767.
The deeds are copied below in full, and most parts are transcribed. In the first deed, Felix, Abraham, Mary, and Cornelius grant one-fifth of the land to their brother John “to prevent dispute and lawsuits hereafter.” In the second deed, they sell the remaining four-fifths to Christopher Frederick Bunce.

State of Georgia } This Indenture
made the sixteenth day of January in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and in
thirty ninth year of the independence of the Un
-ited States of America Between Felix Geiger
Abraham Geiger, Mary Hoofman and Cornelius
Geiger the legal Heirs of Ulrich Kegar (or Geiger)
deceased, all of the said State and County of
Bulloch of the one part and John Geiger also a
legal Heir of the Said Ulrick Kegar of the said State
and County of the other part Witnesseth that
the said Felix Geiger Abraham Geiger Mary Hoofm
and Cornelius Geiger, heirs as aforesaid for the sole
Intention that strict Justice may be obtained and
done to their brother the Said John Geiger one of the
said Heirs and to prevent dispute and lawsuits here-
after, they the said Felix Geiger Abraham Geiger
Mary Hoofman and Cornulius Geiger have granted
bargained, Sold, Aliened, released and Confirmed, and
by these presents do grant, bargain, Sell, alien, release
and confirm unto the said John Geiger and to his
heirs and assigns forever All that parcel of Land
being one fifth and the South East part of a tract
originally on the Second of June Ano domini one
thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven granted to
Ulrick Kegar for three hundred acre the said one
fifth part of said tract of land containing agree
ably to the said original grant sixty acres and by an
accurate survey thereof made the 2nd day of December
1814 Eighty acres as will more fully appear by referring
to the resurvey plat hereunto annexed, situate lying and
being at the present state in the said County on the
south side of Great Ogechee River at the flat ford and
butting and bounding North East by said River Southeast
by land granted Frederick Rester southwest ___
the said John Geiger and northwest ___

from a stake xiii north side of a pond in the west or
branch line; North forty five Degrees East Sixty six chains
to a small sweetgum xiii on said river, which which
divides it from the residue of said Tract which is pur-
chased by Chistopher Frederick Bunch; the said part or
one fifth of the whole tract Fell by lott to the said John
Geiger in an amicable division of said Tract among
the said Heirs Together with all and singular the
houses, Buildings and Improvements, Rents, Issues, profits,
Priviledges, Comodities, and all the right, Title, Interests,
Inheritance, property, Benefit, Claim and demand
Whatsoever to the said one fifth part of said tract
of Land and all appurtenances thereunto belonging or
in anywise appurtaining: To have and to hold the
said one fifth of the said tract of land and all and sing-
ular the premises above mentioned with their and every
of their rights members and appurtenances; to the only
proper use and benefit and behalf of the said John Geiger
his heirs and assigns forever; and the said Felix Geiger
Abraham Geiger, Mary Hoofman and Cornelius Geiger
their Heirs, Executors and Administrators the said one
fifth part of the said tract of land and premises
above mentioned and all and Every part and parcel
thereof unto the said John Geiger his heirs and assigns
against them the said Felix Geiger, Abraham Geiger
Mary Hoofman and Cornelius Geiger their heirs Executors
and Administrators (but against no other person or persons
whatsoever) Shall and will forever warrant and defend
by these presents In Witness whereof the said Felix Geiger
Abraham Geiger, Mary Hoofman and Cornelius Geiger
have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and
year first above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of
Jacob Geiger
Philip Geiger
___ Denmark J.P.
} Felix Geiger LS
} Abraham Geiger LS
} Mary Hoofman LS
} Cornelius Geiger LS

State of Georgia } This Indenture made the Sixteenth
                              } day of January in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and in the
thirty ninth year of the Independance of the United States
of America Between John Geiger, Abraham Geiger and
Mary his wife, Mary Hoofman Cornelius Geiger and
Rebecca his wife, and Felix Geiger and Mary his wife,
all of the said State and County of Bulloch of the one
part, and Christopher Frederick Bunce of the State and
County aforesaid planter of the part; Witnesseth
that the said John Geiger, Abraham Geiger and Mercy
his wife, Mary Hoofman, Cornelius Geiger and Rebec
-ca his wife, and Felix Geiger and Mary his wife, legal
Heirs of Ulrich Kegar (or Geiger), deceased for and in
Consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars
to them in hand will and truly paid by the said Christo-
-pher Frederick Bunce at or before the sealing and eliv
ery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby ackno
wledged; they the said John Geiger, Abraham Geiger
and Mercy his wife Mary Hoofman, Cornelius Geiger
and Rebecca his wife, and Felix Geiger and Mary his
wife, Have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released
and confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain,
sell, alien, release and Confirm unto the said Christop
Frederick Bunce and to his heirs and assigns forever all
that parcel of land being four fifths of a Tract originally
on the second day of June Anno domini one thousand seven
hundred and sixty seven granted to Ulrick Kegar for
three hundred acres the said four fifths of said tract of
land containing agreeable to the said original ___
two hundred and forty acres and by accurate resur-
vey thereof made the 2nd day of December 1814 three
hundred and Twenty acres as will more fully appear by
reference to the plat of said resurvey hereunto annexed
situate lying and being at the date of these presents in
the said County on the south side of great Ogechee
River immediately above the flat ford butting and boun
ding North East by the said River North west __
___ Stephen Denmark, South ___ by land ___

Denmark and land of John Geiger and South East
by the residue of said tract containg one fifth part
belonging to the said John Geiger, together with all
and singular the houses, Buildings and improvements,
Rents, Issues, profits, Priviledges, Commodities, and all
the right, Title, Interests, Inheritance, Property, Benefits,
Claim and demand whatsoever to the said four fifths
of the said tract of land and all appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wise appurtaining to have and
to hold the said four fifths of the said tract of land and
all and singular the premises above mentioned with their
and every of their rights, members and appurtenances
together with all and singular the writings touching
or any wise concerning the same to the only proper
use benefit and behoof of the said Christopher Frederick
Bunce his heirs and assigns forever, and the said
John Geiger Abraham Geiger and Mercy his wife Mary
Hoofman Cornelius Geiger and Rebecca his wife and
Felix Geiger and Mary his wife their Heirs, Executors
and adminastrators the said four fifths of the said tract
of land and premises above mentioned and all and every
part and parcel thereof unto the said Christopher
Frederick Bunch his heirs and assigns against them
the said John Geiger, Abraham Geiger and Mercy his
wife, Mary Hoofman Cornelius Geiger and Rebecca
his wife and Felix Geiger and Mary his wife their heirs
Executors and administrators and assigns against all
and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and
will forever more ___ defend by there[?] presents[?]
In witness whereof the said John Geiger, Abraham
Geiger and Mercy his wife Mary Hoofman Cornelius
Geiger and Rebecca his wife and Felix Geiger and
Mary his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals
the day and year ___ above written
Signed Sealed and delivered
presents of
Jacob{?] Geiger
Philip Geiger
} Rebecca Geiger LS
} Felix Geiger LS
} Mary Geiger LS
John Geiger LS
Abraham Geiger LS
Mercy Geiger LS
Mary Hoofman LS
Cornelius Geiger


Sources Cited:

1: Entry for Ulric Geiger, Felix Geiger family Bible, Holy Bible, ... with a Perpetual Genealogical Family Register (Southern Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, 1859). On 27 April 2000, Amy Frydrych posted selected portions of the family register online at <http://boards.ancestry.com/thread.aspx?mv=flat&m=633&p=surnames.geiger>, accessed 11 September 2011. The Bible's alleged provenance is: (1) Felix Geiger, Jr, (2) John F. Geiger, (3) Claude F. Geiger, (4) Lawton Delany Geiger, and lastly (5) Richard Geiger.

2: Evangelish-Reformierte Kirche Berneck / Kirchenbuch 1550-1931 / baptism entry for [640]Hs. Ulrich of Hard., baptized 28 June 1730, son of [1280]Abraham Gÿger and [1281]Cathrina Schellig. FamilySearch (microfilm 939185, image 267 of 883), accessed 18 April 2018. FamilySearch restricts access to this image, so you can see a copy here. Alternatively, the State Archive of Sankt Gallen also hosts an online copy of this same microfilm reel: Go to <https://dls.staatsarchiv.sg.ch/records/1505970>, click the yellow button labeled "VIEWER," then navigate to image #263 to see 640Ulrich's baptism record.

3: Berneck Commune, [untitled image of Berneck's Catholic Church]. www.berneck.ch, <http://www.berneck.ch/de/images/8ea3fb41e29f4.jpg?jsWidth=750&jsHeight=562>; accessed circa 2012. Modified by 1Bryant Knight. The image has since has been removed from the church's website.

4: Allen D. Candler, compiler. The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia, Volume IX (The Franklin-Turner Company, Atlanta, 1907), page 562.

5: Allen D. Candler, compiler. The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia, Volume X (The Franklin-Turner Company, Atlanta, 1907), page 216.

6: ibid., page 320.

7: C. A. Linn, editor, Ebenezer Record Book (originally published 1929; reprinted by the Georgia Salzburger Society, 1983), page 40, entry 809.

8: ibid., page 53.

9: Bulloch County, Georgia. Deed book AAA (1814-1818), pages 289a, 289b, 289c, 290a, and 290b. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4K-KSJB-8?i=289&cat=155333> et seq., accessed 14 November 2021. The deed book's page numbers are unusual: There are three consecutive pages all numbered "289" even though each page has different text. Page number 290 repeats, too. I've copied the five relevant pages above in order.