32832John Epse
Key Facts
Snapshot:lived in late 15th- and early 16th-century Kent, England
Parents:65664John Eps
65665Margaret ___
Died:between 15 January and 24 March 1526/7
Old Romney, Kent, England
Buried:St. Clement's Church, Old Romney, Kent, England
Church's coordinates: N50.9902 E0.8982

Note: The research presented here is based on: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), pages 10-11 (“K11 JOHNC EPES [ca. 1480-1527]”).

32832John is the son of 65664John Eps and 65665Margaret ___, as explained below.

Problem: Resolved
Who is 32832John's father?

65664John Eps' will plainly describes 32832John as his son.1

Furthermore, we know that 65664John in his will requested to be buried in St. Clement's Church,1 and later 32832John likewise requested to buried in St. Clement's Church at the foot of his father ("my body to be buryid in the church of Seynt Clement forsaid at the fote of my ffather").2 (32832John's will, however, doesn't explicitly indicate his father's name.)

Problem: Resolved
Who is 32832John's mother?

65664John Eps' will indicates that his wife was named Johane,1 but she must have been 65664John's second wife for two reasons:

32832John's will describes Johane as his "mother in lawe" (i.e., step-mother).2
A brass plaque in St Clement's Church reads, "Pray for the soules of John Ips and Margaret hys wyfe on whois Almighti ihu [Jesus] have mercy Amen." 3

Therefore, 32832John's mother was very likely 65664John's first wife 65665Margaret.

32832John married 32833Alice ___,2 although the details of the marriage (when, where) are unknown.

In January 1520/1 he and his father 65664John were both serving as jurats (basically members of the local council/assembly) in Old Romney, Kent.4

His will indicates that he was still living in Old Romney when he died, and he's buried there near his father in St. Clement's Church.2 The church, shown in the photo below,5 is at coordinates N50.9902 E0.8982. See the first several pages of this document for more information on the church's history.

St. Clement's Church, Old Romney, Kent, England, photographed 13 April 2009.5

32832John's will is dated 15 January 1526/7. The first few lines of the register copy are below, followed by a transcription of the will. You can see the full register copy here: 1, 2, 3, 4.2

The first few lines of 32832John's will (register copy).2

In dei nõ_ amen the xvth daye of Januarij in the
yere of oure lorde god d[?] m_ ccccc xxviti I John Epse of the
pishe of Seynt Clement of Olde Romeney wyth an hole
mynde and good Remembrannce thankyth be god make [&]
and ordeyn this my testament and laste will man and forme
lady seynt mary and to all the holy company of hevyn and
my body to be buryid in the church of Seynt Clement forsaid
at the fote of my ffather
Item I bequeathe to the high_ alter
ther for my tytes neglygently forgotton iij[?]s iiijd Item I bequeath
to the rode lyght iijs iiijd Item I bequeath to [each] of the lyghts
of oure lady Saynte margarett [&] Saynt Kateryn iiij ewes
Item I bequeath to the repations of the same church xxs
Item I bequeath Item I bequeath to the hegh ault of Saynt
marten of Newromeny v[?]s Item I bequeath to the high
aulter of Seynt lawrens of Newromeny xijd Item I
bequeath to the celyng of the rod lofte of oldromeny
xiijs iiijd Item I bequeath to the byeng [buying] of a new crosse for
the same church of Saynt clement xiijs iiijd Item I
bequeath to the byeng of a newe ___ ___ for the same
church vi£ xiijs iiijd to be payde wtin the space of ij yeris

next immediately after my disaece [decease] Item I bequeath to Iohne'
my doughter
xx ___ to be payde to her at the age of
xx yeris and if it shall happe the same Iohann' to dye
be fore the same age of xxti yeris havyng Issu of her
body lawfully be gotten then I will the same xx
___ remayn to her said Issu and to be payde to the
same Issu at the age of xxti yeris and if it fortune
and if it fortune the same Johann' to dye be fore
the same age of xx yeris wtout Issu of her body
lawfully begotton or els her seide Issu to dye before
the same age of xx yeris then I will the same
xx marke shall equally be devyded betwene Alys
my wyfe
and all my chyldren then beyng a
lyve and if it fortune the same Alys my wyff to dye
or it shall happen the same xx marke to be devyded
then I will it shall remayn holely to my seide
chyldren Item I bequeath to Alys Roger my sister
a cowe Item I bequeath to Johann hever[?] late my
servant viss viijd Item I bequeath to John hever her
son vjs viijd Item I geve to Agnes Roger iiij Ewes
Item I bequeath to John Roger the son of John
Roger iiij Ewe Item I geve to Systeley[?] Roger vj
ewes Item I bequeath to Elsabeth Roger ij ewes
Item I bequeath to John Garrard my sisters son xiijs
iiijd Item I bequeath to John Epse of Ivechurch a
cowe Item I bequeath to the Amendment of the
fowle ways between Rortheny[?] gate and olde
Romeny bytwene my owne lands and the lands
of Willim̅   Quylt[?] ___ bresynden[?] vjs viijd Item I bequeath

to [each] of my Godchildern a lambe pryce xijd Item I bequeath
Item I bequeath to Alys my wyff vj£ xiijs iiijd Item I geve to
the same Alys x of my best kene x[?] x[?] cawlves wt them
Item I geve to the same Alys a ___ and and a plough
wyth ther apparell a copull of my beste oxyn and ij
mares next the best to be delyv'yd at myhelmes next comyng
Itm͒   I geve to the same Alys halfe my howsold stuffe iij
acr iij Acr of the best whete vj acr of barley j Acr of
benys [beans?] [&] i Acr of Ots Itm͒   I will she shall take the pfetts
of the same kene betwen this [&] myhelmas Item I geve
to the same Alys halfe my bakn [bacon] and halfe my pultre [poultry]
and v qrͧ̅ ts of whete and vj qrͧ̅ ts of malte to fynde[?]
wt all the housold Itm͒   I will ther be don for me
in the cherch of Saynt Clement foresayd in
dyriges [diriges] and masses and other charitable deds at
my buryeng xxxs iiijd and so in lyke man' at [each]
of my monethis mynde [month's mind] and yeris mynde xxxiijs iiijd
XXXItm͒   I will that I maye have don for my soulle my
ffather and mother sowlls and all xpen [Christian] soules
[each] yere duryng the time of xxti yeris in diriges
[&] massys and other dedis [deeds] of charyte in the seide
cherch of Saynt Clement xxs after the ffyrst yere
endyd the Resydue of all my goods and cattels
my detts and bequests ffyrst payde I give to Willim̅  
Espe Aleyn Espe John Espe Thomas Espe and
John Espe my sonnes
the ___ of this my p͑  sent

Testament I make and ordeyn to be myne executors
and I ordeyn to be myne on'[?] ___ Willya mershe
Edward lathe[?] [&] John Whatma to whome I geve to
either of them for ther bysenes [&] labour xl s Itm'
I bequeath to the wiffe of John Garrard the yonger
an haffer ___ viijs or viijs in mony Item I geve to
John Roger the elder my blewe cote and my ___
dobelet [doublet] Item I geve to Gregory Johnson my wosted [worsted]
doblet stokkyd wt ___ Itm I geve to wyly
Willya my sonne my best gownd my ___
doblet [&] my wosted jakett Itm I geve to Alyn
my son my best cote Itm͒   I give one of my other
gownes to myne other sonnes to make them cots[?]
and the other gown I geve to Robert lawes my
ſ̸ vant [servant]

Thys is the last wyll of me the seid John
Epse made the daye and yere a bove wryten of and uppon
a feoffament made unto Willia' Epse Aleyn Epse John Espe
Willia' mershe John Whatma [&] Edward Clarhe[?] ffyrste
I will that Alys my wyffe shall have immediatly after
the time[?] endyd of my mother in lawes yeris the same
tent' [&] lands the wyche my seid mother nowe holdyth
by the last will of my ffaðer as holy as nowe my seid
mother then[?] holdith unto tyme that ___ of sonnes shall
happe to be maried the ___ and payeng all man'
of charges as my mother dothe pay and discharge
and if it fortune all my sonnes to dye be fore they

shall happen to be maried then I will my seid wyff
shall have for time of lyff the seide tent' and lands
with thapp̃tenñg kepyng it wtout ___ or waste and
if it happȇ  [each] of my sonnes to be maryed then I will
that Alys my wyff shall have for time of her lyff
owte of all my lands yerly iiij£ lawfull mony of
yngland and my gretest ten͡ent and kechen[?] wt the
ij closes and ther app̃tenñcs whiche I late purchased
of the heyers of herry husbarne Itm I will that
all my lands and te͒ nts shall equally be devyded
betwene all my seide sonnes to be had to them ther
heyres [&] assignes for ___ when they and [each] of
them comythe to the age xxj yeris and if any
of them fortune to dye be fore the same age of
xxj yeres wtout Issu of ther body lawfully begotten
then I will it shall remayn unto them that then
shall survyve Itm I will that my seid ov'sears
shall take and ___ the pfetts of my seid te͡nts
and lands to hep helpe to discharge my detts and
bequests and other necessary charges and to be
___ of the residue of the mony therof
c ͒o myng to [each] of my childrenas they and [each]
of them c ͒o myth to the age of xxj yeris and that
neither my seide wiffe nor myne ov'sears make
them[?] any ___ or waste Itm' I will that my
ij sonnes Thomas Espe and John Espe the
yonger shalbe sett[?] to ___ and thei to be ___
therto wt the pfetts of ther pts of ther lands

as moche as shall ___ and the same pfytts wylnot
fynde them then I will the rest to be levyed ^onto of the
moveables goods Itm I will that ther may be
bought for me a stone to be layed uppon my
grave of the   ̇p ce[?] of xl s to be inpictored wt me my
wyffe and all my chyldern Itm' I will that the
bequests gevyn to John Rogers chyldern of the
Ewes or any other catall gevyn to any other
psons shalbe delyv'ed at myhelmas next c ͒o myng
Itm' I will that xs shalbe delyv'ed [&] payd to
the amendment of the chalys in Saynte ___
cherch aforsayd Itm' I will that master baron
hales shall have my best geldyng [gelding] to be good
frend to my wiff and childerne Itm I will
that John Espe the elder shall have a mare
of the age of iij yeries to be delyv'ed unto hym
when he c ͒o myth to the age of xij yeris this
byn wytnes ſ̸  [Sir] Roberd brachia curatt Aleyn dyster[?]
henry Smyth John Berrard ___ and John Mores

Probatum fuit [...]

According to Dorman, 32832John's will was probated 1 February 1526/7,6 but the probate statement (See it here.) does not seem to indicate the day or month, only the year ("anno dom millo ccccc xxvi," i.e. 1526). (The text is admittedly hard to read, however.) Therefore, I've considered 32832John's date of death to be sometime between 16 January 1526/7 (the date the will was written) and 24 March 1526/7 (the last day of the year 1526).

Sources Cited:

1: 65664John's will. UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/17/17/34b (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Archdeacon's Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188928, images 43 and 44). FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 43 and 44. Cited in: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), page 8, footnote 2. Dorman's excerpt of the will seems to be incomplete: Dorman's excerpt doesn't mention 65664John's second wife Johane, yet Dorman later explains, "The wife named in his will was Johane ___" (page 9).

2: 32832John's will. UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/32/14/187 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Consistory Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188839, images 221, 223, 224, and 225). Image 222 is merely a duplicate of 221. FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 221, 223, 224, 225. The will is indexed at <http://wills.canterbury-cathedral.org/>.

3: Julian P. Guffogg, "Brass to John Ips & wife, Old Romney church" (online image, photographed 26 December 2012). Geograph, <http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3271850>, accessed 10 December 2014. Modified by 1Bryant Knight. Mr. Guffogg has licensed his image under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 generic license.

4: Felix Hull, ed., A Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports, 1432-1955 (Historical Manuscripts Commission, Joint Publication, Volume 5; London, 1966), pages 180-183. Cited in: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), page 8, footnote 1.

5: Chris Whippet, "St Clement's, Old Romney" (online image, photographed 22 July 2009). Wikimedia, <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St_Clement%27s,_Old_Romney_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1420208.jpg>, accessed 25 November 2014. Mr. Whippet has licensed this image under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

6: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), page 10.