16416Alen Eps
Key Facts
Snapshot:jurat and bailiff in 16th-century Lydd, Kent, England
Parents:32832John Epes
32833Alice ___
Died:between 30 July 1551 and 22 September 1551
Buried:churchyard of All Saints Church, Lydd, Kent, England
churchyard's coordinates: N50.9516 E0.9068

Note: Most of the research presented here is based on: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), pages 30-31 (“K112 ALANB EPES [before 1509-1551]”).

16416Alen is the son of 32832John Epes1 and his wife 32833Alice ___.2

On Christmas 1544, 16416Alen, acting as bailiff, collected money (specifically, £9, 3s, 6d) to help support All Saints Church in Lydd, Kent, England.3 For more information on the church's history, see this document starting on page 94.

All Saints Church in Lydd, Kent, England, photographed 8 April 20104

In addition to his service as a bailiff, 16416Alen's will (abstracted below) also attests to his social standing: It describes him as a "jurate" (jurat), basically a member of the local council/assembly, and also names nine servants and mentions several land holdings in various parts of Kent, so he probably had a fairly comfortable life.5

16416Alen's will proves that he married 16417Agnes ___, apparent widow of ___ Harle.5 Other details of the marriage (where, when) are unknown, but 16417Agnes does seem to have borne 16416Alen's son 8208John, as is explained in 8208John's profile.

16416Alen's will is dated 30 July 1551 and was proved 22 September 1551. The first few lines of the register copy are below, followed by an abstract of the will. You can see the full register copy here: 1, 2, 3.5

The first few lines of 16416Alen's will.5

ALEN EPSE of Lyd, Kent, Jurate.
Dated 30th July, 1551.Proved 22 Sep. 1551.
Soul to God.Buried churchyard Lyd.
To AGNES ATON my maid servant one "haffer" [heifer]
To NYCHOLAS ATON my servant one other "haffer"
To SYMON WYNDAY my servant one "haffer" and 20 "shepe" [sheep]
To THOMAS SMYTHE my servant 2 sheep.
To JOHN ROLFFE my servant 2 sheep.
To RICHARDE AUKYN and ROBERTE ADAMS my servants each of them 2 sheep.
To ALYCE HOLLYE and JULYAN RAYNOLDE my maid servants, either of them 2 sheep.
To JOHN WYNDAY 2 "three yeryng steres" also all debts that he owes me.
I give and forgive ROBERT DYNE all such debts as he owes me.
To JOHANE EPSE, ALYCE EPSE and MARGERY EPSE my daughters each of them £20 at 18 or marriage. If any of my said daughters die before 18 then their portion to remain to my sons and daughters then living.
To ELIZABETH HARLE my wifes daughter £10;.
To AGNES EPSE my wife 2 "cowple" my best oxen, my best wayne etc. etc. also £15 and all my household stuff in the tenement I now dwell in with the kitchen and all other buildings with appurtenances belonging.
Residue of my moveable goods (debts etc. paid) I give to WILLIAM EPSE, THOMAS EPSE and JOHN EPSE my sons equally.
Said WILLIAM EPSE my son sole executor.
Witnesses:-THOMAS STROGLE, jurate.
THE WILL [of lands].
AGNES EPSE my wife shall have all my principla tenement which I now dwell in with all buildings, closes, etc. to her and her assigns during her natural life and after her decease I will the same to my three sons WILLIAM EPSE, THOMAS EPSE and JOHN EPSE. To be had to them, their heirs and assigns forever.
To the said WILLIAM EPSE, THOMAS EPSE and JOHN EPSE my sons resiude of all my other lands and tenements in"Lyd aforesaid, Olde Romney, Saint Martynes, Pounteney [a nickname of New Romney] and Brenset or elsewhere in Kent" to them, their heirs and assigns forever.
To the said AGNES EPSE my wife all my lease or term of years to come in and to the Brokes called the "Grete brokes" and all that my term of years to come in and to the 14 acres called Mr. Feteplace brokes lying behind the watercourse on the backside of my house which I hold to ferme [farm] of Mr. Feteplace.
To WILLIAM EPSE my son the half part of my term of years to come in my marsh called "Newe land" which I hold to ferme of Mr. Feteplace.
To THOMAS EPSE and JOHN EPSE my sons the other half part of my said lease.
Said son WILLIAM EPSE shall have the occupying of all my lands above to the said THOMAS EPSE and JOHN EPSE his bretherne bequeathed as also the said half part my term of years to come in the said land called Newlande with appurtenances until they are 17 years of age, also all moveable goods as are above bequeathed to the said THOMAS and JOHN EPSE.
My said son WILLIAM shall yearly make his accounts to my said overseers of the profits of the lands etc. bequeathed to the said THOMAS and JOHN EPSE.
Witnesses:-THOMAS STROGLE, jurate.

In his will, 16416Alen requests that he be buried in All Saints' churchyard.3 The church is at coordinates N50.9516 E0.9068. His grave doesn't seem to be marked, so his exact burial location within the churchyard is unknown.

Sources Cited:

1: 32832John's will. UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/32/14/187 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Consistory Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188839, images 221, 223, 224, and 225). Image 222 is merely a duplicate of 221. FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 221, 223, 224, 225. The will is indexed at <http://wills.canterbury-cathedral.org/>.

2: 32833Alice's will. UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/17/17/260a (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Archdeaconry Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188928, images 276 and 277). FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 276, 277.

3: Arthur Finn, ed., Records of Lydd (Kentish Express Office, Ashford, 1911), page 392. Cited in: John Frederick Dorman, Ancestors and Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia (Epes-Eppes-Epps), Volume I (Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia, 1992), page 30, footnote 1.

4: Robert Cutts, "All Saints' Church, Lydd, Kent" (online image, photographed 8 April 2010). Wikimedia, <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lydd_Church_Kent.jpg>, accessed 11 November 2014. Mr. Cutts has licensed this image under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

5: 16416Alen Eps' will. UK National Archives record CCA-DCb/PRC/32/24/2 (Canterbury Cathedral Archives / Diocese of Canterbury / Consistory Court Wills [Registers]). FamilySearch (FHL microfilm 188843, images 387, 388, and 389 of 597). FamilySearch restricts access to these images, so see copies here: 387, 388, 389. The will is abstracted in: Frank Wyatt Tyler, The Tyler Collection (The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, Canterbury, Kent, England), wills index, Elles-Verrier notebook, abstract of will CCA-DCb/PRC/32/24/2; Ancestry.com (“Kent, England, Tyler Index to Wills, 1460-1882” / Elles-Verrier notebook / images 18-20 of 94), accessed 26 November 2013.