49Elizabeth Jane
Key Facts
Parents:98Jesse Ammons
99Lucinda Watson
Born:24 December 1833
Houston County, Georgia
Last known record:20 January 1905
Houston County, Georgia
Buried:may be in an unmarked grave in the Smith family cemetery, Houston County, Georgia
Cemetery coordinates: N32.5839 W83.6622

49Elizabeth Jane Ammons was born 24 December 1833 in Houston County, Georgia.1 Her parents were 98Jesse Ammons1 and 99Lucinda Watson. (No record explicitly identifies 99Lucinda as her mother, but the relationship can be readily inferred from 98Jesse's marriage records.)

She probably grew up in Houston County (since newspaper records mention her father 98Jesse as a Houston County resident in 18352 and 18423). The 1850 census is the earliest record I've found that explicitly shows her in Houston County; she was 18 years old and still living with her father 98Jesse and step-mother Eliza:4

1850: 49Jane's family in Houston County, Georgia. Full page.4

49Jane married 48William Harvey Smith on 8 May 1861 in Houston County5—just a few weeks before the first major battle of the Civil War. For more information about their marriage, their lives together, etc., see his profile since that information won't be repeated here.

Her husband died on 1 June 1899.1 The 1900 census shows that 49Jane had moved in with her daughter Lillis' family.6

49Jane living with her daughter's family in militia district 769 (map), Houston County, Georgia. Full page.6

In March 1901, she was said to "have had heart trouble for 26[?] years + now rheumatism of the kidnees [sic; probably chronic kidney disease, or perhaps she meant rheumatioid arthritis of the knees,] blind in left eye + general debility from age." 1 "Her left eye is out + other one badly effected." 7

She signed a document on 20 January 1905 but probably died later that year since I have found no further record of her.8

I don't know where she's buried. However, the property that her husband inherited from his father in 18699 includes a small Smith family cemetery. Although there is no extant tombstone for 49Elizabeth herself, she may be buried there. The cemetery is at coordinates N32.5839 W83.6622.

Sources Cited:

1: Georgia Archives RG 58-1-1, Confederate pension application for Elizabeth Jane Smith of Houston County; image 2 ("Questions for Applicant," dated 5 March 1901). Georgia Archives Virtual Vault, <https://vault.georgiaarchives.org/digital/collection/TestApps/id/360591>, accessed 4 April 2020. Hereafter cited as "Pension application."

2: "POST OFFICE Perry, Ga, December 31, 1835: A LIST of the names of persons for whom there are letters remaining in this office [...]," Macon Georgia Telegraph (Macon, Georgia), 14 January 1836, page 3, column 5. Georgia Historic Newspapers, <https://gahistoricnewspapers.galileo.usg.edu/lccn/sn86053163/1836-01-14/ed-1/seq-3/#date1=01%2F01%2F1827¬text=&date2=12%2F31%2F1901&words=Ammons+Jesse&searchType=advanced&sequence=0&index=0&proxdistance=5&sort=relevance&rows=12&ortext=&proxtext=jesse+ammons&county=Bibb&county=Houston&andtext=&page=2>, accessed 17 October 2021.

3: "GEORGIA, Houston County.--Jesse Ammons [...]," Macon Georgia Telegraph (Macon, Georgia), 7 June 1842, page 3, column 6 (the last column), halfway down the page. Georgia Historic Newspapers, <https://gahistoricnewspapers.galileo.usg.edu/lccn/sn86053163/1842-06-07/ed-1/seq-3/>, accessed 17 October 2021.

4: 1850 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule). Houston County, Georgia. Page 342A, dwelling 521, family 521, Jessee Almons household. NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 74. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6DM9-9R7?cc=1401638&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AMZYR-ZVM>.

5: Houston County, Georgia. Marriage book B (1852-1864), page 200, marriage of W. H. Smith and E. J. Hammons, dated 8 May 1861. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS7R-49V5-S?i=225&cat=2739190>.

6: 1900 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule). Lower 5th district (militia district 769), Houston County, Georgia. Supervisor's district 3, enumeration district 14, sheet 10, dwelling 195, family 197, John B. Parker household. Internet Archive, <https://archive.org/details/12thcensusofpopu205unit/page/n369/mode/1up>, accessed 16 April 2020.

7: Pension application, op. cit., image 3, question 29

8: ibid., image 7

9: Houston County, Georgia. Deed book N (1868-1874), pages 180-181, two land deeds from William Smith to William H. Smith, both dated 30 March 1869. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4V-B9QS-4?i=132&cat=207572>, accessed April 2020.