15Evelyn Dunkin
Key Facts
Parents:30Barney B. Dunkin
31Frances Lavincy Brown
Born:16 April 1917
Franklin County, Alabama
Died:13 March 1992 at 2:30 PM
At her home in Macon, Georgia
Buried:Hillcrest Cemetery, Sylvester, Worth County, Georgia
Coordinates: N31.518038 W83.841733

I have a few photos of 15Evelyn. I've colorized, enhanced, cropped, and/or shrunk the images below; where provided, use the sliders to see the images in their more original appearance, or see my original, lossless-quality scans here .

I have a few photos of 15Evelyn. I've cropped and shrunk the images below; see my original, lossless-quality scans here .

15Evelyn, my maternal grandmother, my mother, and my brother

15Evelyn, my maternal grandmother, my mother, and my brother

15Evelyn was born 162 or 173 April 1917 in Franklin County, Alabama4 to parents 30Barney Dunkin3,5,6 and 31Frances Brown.3

The 1920 and 1930 censuses show her with her family:5,6

1920: 15Evelyn's family in Franklin County, Alabama. Full page: 1, 2.5

1930: 15Evelyn's family in Lawrence County, Tennessee. Full page.6

Although I haven't found their marriage certificate, 15Evelyn married 14George Frederick Brown. (Among other evidence, their respective obituaries name many of the same children.4,7) For more information about their marriage, their lives together, their eventual divorce, and many comments about them both by one of their daughters, see his profile since that information won't be repeated here.

15Evelyn died at her home in Macon on 13 March 1992 at 2:30 PM from respiratory failure secondary to emphysema.3 She's buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Sylvester, Worth County, Georgia at coordinates N31.518038 W83.841733.2 Her death certificate,3 obituary,4 and a photo of her grave2 are below.

Sources Cited:

Several photos that include 15Evelyn, given to me by his daughter 7
[redacted, 7]
To protect my privacy and security, the names of certain close relatives have been redacted.

This individual is my maternal grandmother (ahnentafel #7).

in August 2021. You can see the raw scans here . As of this writing (in October 2021), I am in possession of the original prints of these photographs. Labels on the backs of some of the photos identify the individuals shown, but I have decided not to provide copies of those labels (since some of the individuals are close relatives).

2: The tombstone of Evelyn D. Brown (16 April 1917 - 13 March 1992), Hillcrest Cemetery, Sylvester, Worth County Georgia at coordinates N31.518038 W83.841733. Photograph taken by 1Bryant Knight on 27 August 2010.

3: Jones County, Georgia death certificate 010120 for Evelyn Brown, who died 13 March 1992.

4: "Evelyn D. Brown," The Macon Telegraph (Bibb County, Georgia), Saturday 14 March 1992, page 3B. You can see a scan of the obituary here.

5: 1920 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule). Precinct 8 (Hodges), Franklin County, Alabama. Enumeration district 33, sheet 4A, dwelling 67, family 67, Brown Dunkin household. NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 17. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9R6Z-GDZ?i=6&cc=1488411&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AMXZ5-YG7> et seq., accessed 26 September 2021.

6: 1930 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule). Civil district 10, Lawrence County, Tennessee. Enumeration district 17, sheet 10A, dwelling 206, family 211, Barney V. Dunkin household. NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2261. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GRZZ-Q6M?i=19&cc=1810731&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3ASP4B-7S5>, accessed 26 September 2021.

7: "Fred Brown," Sylvester Local News (Worth County, Georgia), Thursday 1 March 1990, page 14. You can see a digital scan of this page here.

8: 1940 U.S. Federal Census (Population Schedule). Militia district 1426, Haralson County, Georgia. Enumeration district 71-14, sheet 5B, family 78, Fred Brown household. FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G9M1-HCKB?i=9&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AK7GD-SH8>, accessed 4 October 2021.