This transcription is from "Nathaniel and Mary (Mitchell) Harrison Everett ..., Volumes 1 and 2" pages 2-3: Memorandum that on the 29 day of Oct 1744 Nathaniel Everit of Tyrol Co Planter Dwelling at Connbee Creek Swamp commonly called Morratock Swamp who heretofore Signed a Deed or Instrument of writing purporting a last will or Testament or to that Effect Dated September the second 1720 whereto were witnesses Benjamin Blount, Richard Swinson, & John Edwards Entered on the land and plantation in the said Instrument of writing Mentioned by the name of his the said Nathaniel Events Manner Plantation and where the said Nathaniel now Dwelleth at this presents & being in Quiet and peaceable possession of the Same he did Deliver the like Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the same by Turff and Twig unto Nathaniel Everit in the Said Instrument of Writing mentioned which Said Nathaniel last mentioned was born at Kendricks Creek Plantation then belonging to Edward Mosely Esq. But now in the Tenure & occupation of Thomas Corpew, the Said Nathaniel the Elder being then tennant about 37 years past to the said Edward Mostly To have and to hold the said Manner Plantation in the Said Instrument of Writing Mentioned Unto Him the Said Nathaniel Everitt the Younger, his heirs and assigns according as the Same is mentioned in the Said Writing, the aforementioned Possession taken and Delivered by Turf and Twig unto the said Nathaniel the Younger in the presence of us Richard Swinson Juror. Richard Fagans (mark), John Stubbs. Signed Nathaniel (NE) Evert'. Oct 30 1744. Proved before me in Due Form of Law Let it be Registered E Moseley C Justice. November the 23rd 1744 then was the aforegoing Instrument of Writing of Levery & Schism Duly Registered in Tyrrell County James Craven