From: Ruth and Sam Sparacio, "Deed & Will Abstracts of Northumberland County, Virginia, 1658-1662" (Antient Press, 2002), page 94: ----- p. BEE IT KNOWNE to all men by these pr:sents whome this may concerne that I 66 WILLIAM HOPKINS doe freely give unto JOHN GARNER halfe my land at YOACOMICO and to his heires, Executors Admrs or assignes for ever; beinge Foure hundred acres in all and Whereas I WILLIAM HOPKINS doe straytly binde the sd. JOHN GARNER to seate the same by the first of March next insueinge of this p:sent yeare & for seatinge ye same land I WILLIAM HOPKINS doe freely give unto JOHN GARNER the halfe of my Pattent & Land therein conteyned, As Wittness my hand & seale the 21th of October 1661 Wittness: WM: PRESLY, WM. HOPKINGS, his marke & ye Seale ( ) RICHARDSON, WILLIAM HILL 21th October 1661. This Grant of Land was acknowledged in Court by Mr. WM. HOPKINS to ye sd. JNO: GARNER & is recorded