415Elizabeth Bell
Key Facts
Snapshot:lived in the 1700's, probably in North Carolina
Born:perhaps circa 1755
location unknown

415Elizabeth's existence is known only from one brief entry in a family Bible: The entry states that 207Nancy Dixon, eldest daughter of 414Jesse Dixon and 415Elizabeth Bell, was born on 20 December 1777.1 Therefore, we can guess that 415Elizabeth may have been born circa 1755, and that she was married to 414Jesse Dixon.

Unfortunately, that Bible entry was written several decades after 207Nancy's birth, so the information should be viewed with some suspicion. I have found no other evidence to corroborate 415Elizabeth's existence. Despite these shortcomings, I feel that the Bible record is adequate proof of 415Elizabeth's existence and her relationship to 207Nancy. Other details from the same Bible have been corroborated by more contemporary evidence, and the relevant entry seems to have been copied from an earlier record. For more details about the Bible, see the link provided with source citation #1 below.

Sources Cited:

1: A Horne family Bible described and abstracted in: Bess Vaughn Clark, Twiggs County, Georgia Records: A Reconstructed Heritage: A Collection from Newspapers, Deeds, Bible Records, Military Records, Wills, Personal Journals and Papers (Wolfe Publishing, 1999), pages 255-257.

2: Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Estate records for 1748-1917 / Arthur Dew - Mary L. Drew / folder for Elizabeth Bell (1799). FamilySearch, <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-817M-35S?i=1&cc=1911121> et seq., accessed 9 June 2020.